About the blog.

Building a lifestyle that combines beauty, practicality, and authenticity is my lifelong pursuit.

In 2019 I began selling secondhand designer and vintage clothing. I love the creativity that comes with curating and styling clothes. But my life has changed a bit since then, and in reality my interest in fashion is shared with many others— home design, cooking, gardening, and creating a sustainable, low waste home for my family.

In the past few years my husband and I have welcome two children into the world and moved into our first home—which is a fixer upper. My whole life has become about making a beautiful space for us to live in—slowly, with intention, and while doing several things at once.

Maison Bergez is a space where I can share my efforts to live sustainably without sacrificing style, and vice versa. Where I can document the progress of our home— creating a space for my family that is both beautiful and functional. Where I can share cooking inspiration, while preparing meals for the ones I love. Where I can document the progress of our ever expanding garden. Because I am constantly seeking inspiration myself, and creating beauty in our daily lives is too important of a task not to share.

About the shop.

I’ve worn vintage myself always and have been curating and reselling vintage and designer clothing since 2019. I am always on the hunt for unique designer pieces, quality garments that are composed of natural fiber content (as much as possible), and small decor items that add a pop of color or texture to the home.

Shop my recent finds in the shop section of the site, where new items are added on a regular basis. I try to keep the shop stocked with a variety of sizes, but can only do so as I’m able to find them, so please be patient as the hunt continues!